
Zayn Khan – Chief Fintech Officer

Zayn will leverage his industry knowledge to position Finxone as the go-to front-end app builder for FinTechs. His focus will on enhancing Finxone’s product offering through the right partner integrations, strengthening current product workflows, and streamlining process efficiencies from sales to project implementation. Zayn will also be on the hunt for new partner and client opportunities in the Middle East, where he will be based.

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Paul Birch

Seasoned Fintech investor and entrepreneur who backs and coaches high potential founding teams. Paul has been the anchor investor at Finxone and is our Chairman

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Frederico Baumhardt -CEO

Globally experienced Area Lead level big tech executive with a successful track record of incubating and growing businesses for Microsoft and private investors

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Our Architecture

Finxone uses a unique architecture that is multi-market, use case, and regionally aware. This article talks about how we’ve built Finxone and the main components in the platform.

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Our Beta Program

Beta program customers get very high customer care almost as a normal enterprise services project. We assign project teams, success managers, product managers and dedicated developers to every Beta customer. We still subsidise the cost though, as the objective is to build you the widgets you need to go live. 

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About Widgets

Widgets are “mini-apps” that you drag and drop onto your page canvas that do a particular thing. Examples include card balance widgets, make a payment widgets, account balance chart widgets, spending, statements etc.

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