
Self Service

Finxone is a comprehensive and intuitive platform that enables customers to turn their fintech dreams into reality, providing a suite of powerful tools and resources for every stage of the development process, including a drag-and-drop interface, templates and pre-built components, role-based access control, subscription management, app store publishing, and comprehensive documentation and developer support.

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Aggregated Third Parties

Finxone serves as a service aggregator for fintech applications, offering customers a host of benefits. By consolidating various third-party services, such as BaaS, KYC checking, compliance, and money laundering monitoring.

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Edit at Will

Build what you need, when you need, how you need it. Visual tools, make for powerful experiences. No need to pay anyone to update your app.

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Finxone understands the unique needs of its customers and provides a range of workflow tools to help them create the most effective and efficient applications possible.

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The flexibility of Finxone’s payment system ensures that businesses can build applications that meet their unique requirements.

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For Startups

Finxone lets you take your startup idea, and make it real faster than you could hire your first resource

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