The App Autobuilder

Intelligent Apps Built Automatically for you

Drag, drop, and the intelligent app engine builds the screens, the worfklows, and the layouts. No need to have front end developers translate designs to code or APIs.

What You Do

Select from one of our Templates

Drag and Drop Widgets

Publish Your Application

What Finxone Does

Deploy your own server cluster

Build your pages CSS, HTML, JS

Prepare Security

Prepare the APIs for connection

Configure all the dynamic code

Publish the application

Build Android and IOS UI for publishing

Multiple Breakpoints

Its really easy to see how your application will look in each different screen size, and how it will appear. 

Easy to Visualise

Its easy to see each role, and what experience it will have. Change styling, colours, fonts, and themes from one central place, and know that everything will be rendered just as you intend.

Drag and Drop

Move elements around to where they need to be, and the builder does the rest.

Multiple Devices

IOS, Android, and Progressive web apps. Drag, drop click and publish. The autobuilder understands what it needs to do, and does it. 

Change Anytime

Unlike project centric last generation solutions. Finxone apps are smart apps, and you can change and republish them anytime. No more waiting a week to change a button.

Sandbox to Live

Manage multiple apps, and multiple deployment stages. Release to market and rollback if you need. You’ve never had this power before.

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