Fintech MVP: £12K, 12 days

Why Build it Yourself?

Speed, time to market, 100% compliant, and self editable on an intelligent Fintech platform is more flexible, cost efficient, and less risk

Get a mobile, tablet and browser app, on working fintech sandbox rails, and edit it yourself.

Your prototype, 100% functional, fast

Finxone uses our intelligent deterministic AI engine to build you a 100% compliant, regulated payments, banking, card, remittance, or super app for business and retail customers in seconds. 

Our platform automates deployments to Android, IOS, and Web portals and can let you customise every screen and every flow to your exact requirements. 

Our team will build your compliant flows with onboarding, main screens, payments, cards, and any other project areas in scope.

You can edit and evolve your design in real time with us. 

12 business days and you are ready to show the world.

Main Application
Profile and Advanced Accounts
All Compliant Screens Needed

We don’t just give you an app. Your Finxone environment includes all services like user accounts, and databases, security, preferences, notification services and connections to Fintech providers like Currency Cloud and Integrated Finance

Build First, then apply to go live

Once your sandbox application is live and running you can apply to our service providers and partners for permission to go live on their products and services. 

*note building an MVP does not guarantee acceptance by any licensed provider.

Fully Compliant

On Regulated Sandboxes

Open Platform

Straight to Web and Mobile

Finxone lets you edit your application anytime you like. Add new screens, features, and user journeys all with intelligent compliant drag and drop.

Client Questions

We will get your application ready and deployed to Testflight  (iOS) and demo Android APKs, as well as web portals in 12 business days from signature for £12k.

If you don't have your own designs, and screens and want to use our design services we will deliver a from scratch application in 15 business days for £15k